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Nirvanas New Year New Rules
2005 AMHA / AMHR Chestnut Mare, 33"
First Knights Breakin All The Rules x Sweetwaters Miss Beatrice
AMHA World Champion Producer
AMHA World Champion Honor Roll Producer
2012 AMHA World Mare & Foal Champion

We are so fortunate to have been able to bring Allie into our breeding program as a foundation mare. Her royal breeding extends to 4x World Champion and World Champion Producer First Knights Break all The Rules. Allies dam was the top producing Sweetwaters Miss Beatrice- who produced multiple Top 5 World winners.
Sample of Progeny

Applecreek Customized Bolt Action
2012 AMHA / AMHR Pinto Gelding
Pecan Grove Customized Bolt x Nirvanas New Year New Rules
SOLD - Congratulations to his new owners!
AMHA World Champion Senior Gelding Stock-Type
AMHA World Champion Mare & Foal of current year
Multiple AMHA World Top Five Amateur and AOTE Halter
AMHA World Top 5 Weanling Stallions 30" & Under
AMHA Honor Roll Top Five AOTE Lvl 2

Applecreek Bolt's Branded Man
2016 AMHA / AMHR Pinto Stallion
Pecan Groves Customized Bolt x Nirvanas New Year New Rules
SOLD - Congratulations to his new owners!